Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day Twenty-Two: Your Shoes

Day Twenty-Two: Your Shoes

In this case, it's your friend's shoes, but I still have the Your and Shoes. Julia could be a model, I'll stick to behind the camera.

Day Nineteen: Sweet

Day Nineteen: Sweet

I know this isn't candy or junk-food or anything really "sweet" but I find this photo pretty sweet and I'm proud of myself for taking this and the editing. I've never really been a huge fan of editing photos but I really like comparing it to the original, the original one seems, to me, like an entirely different scene, like a different part of the day completely. This photo was taken when the sun was first setting on my way home from field hockey so the sky's a bit lighter in the original, along with the grass but now it just seems like a dark summer night and I love and miss those nights. 

Day Twenty-Six: Colour

Day Twenty-Six: Colour

As I've mentioned flowers are my absolute favorite, these flowers were in a garden in Portsmouth and I had to pull over and take pictures of these beauties. 

Day Twenty: Someone You Love

Day Twenty: Someone You Love

These are the stars you make for your loved ones at the Out of the Darkness: Suicide Prevention Walk. Gabby's family and I have been walking Gabby's team in these walks for the past three years and we've made these stars right when we get there. I loved Gabby very much and she'll always be my best friend. I miss her more and more everyday. 

Day Twenty-Three: Something Old

Day Twenty-Three: Something Old

This gratify has been in downtown Portsmouth for a few years now. I find this tragically beautiful, it could tell a thousand stories to the unknown artist but the rest is up to the viewers and those who just walk by. I don't know, I just love this. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

30 Photos that Changed the World

Photo 11: Earthrise; William Anders, 1968

Astronaut Bill Anders took this photo of the Earth rising over the moon's horizon while he and Frank Borman orbited the moon. This shot changed the way the world thinks where the Earth is and it's cosmos. I think it's a beautiful shot. It's also completely different colors than what we think the Earth looks like. Any picture drawn of the Earth, especially in cartoons, is green and a dark blue, this is a dark blue and white. I also loved the texture of the moon and the completely darkness of  outer space. 

Photo 13: V-J Day in Times Square; Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945

When I look at this photo I see a man kissing a woman he loves. It's a nurse and a solider returning from the World War II, it was after he heard the war had ended. It's an old classic I've seen all around the world and my friend actually has a framed picture of it in her room and I'm very jealous. This picture actually makes me really happy although her body language looks kind of weird when you first look at it, but it also says how nothing else matters expect kissing him, especially since he's holding her. It's like no one else is around. This picture could say a thousand words and is absolutely beautiful. 

Photo 26: Abbey Road cover; Iain Macmillan, 1969

This album, picture and band is the biggest part of my childhood. I've been listening to them probably since I could breathe. I use to never able to name all of them and actually think that Paul McCartney was Drake Bell from Drake & Josh but luckily I got that all straightened out. This was their last album before they broke up. This shot of the four men walking a cross walk shows them all almost in a lock step expect Paul, which is what inspired the urban legend that he was dead. (Thank god he's not). 

Day Eleven: Where You Sleep

Day Eleven: Where You Sleep

This is my bed with my olaf bedspread that I got for my 17th birthday that I love so much with my loading Netflix on my laptop, including the teddy bear my friend for me for valentine's day, Nemo from Finding Nemo I've had since I was little and the pig from the series If You Give A Pig A _____, the Winnie the Pooh pillow my friend Jess made me for my 15th birthday. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day Twenty-Five: Something You Made

Day Twenty-Five: Something You Made

A few friends and I made these signs for my field hockey game tonight, it's different from our ordinary home games. It's a blue-out game, although our school colors are blue, we are not wearing them for Sanborn. Gabby's favorite color was blue, she was also apart of our field hockey team for all three years of middle school before she tragically passed in 2011, Eighth Grade. It's our senior year now, so I talked to the other seniors and we all made our own warm up shirts, wore them to school the day of the game, we got ribbons, and asked the audience to all wear blue, we'll be wearing our away game jersey's in honor of her. Hopkinton is a tough school to beat but I believe we can give it our all, it's for Gabby. We're playing for Gabby and her love for the sport. I believe just that thought can get us so far in this game this afternoon, less than a few hours away.

Day Thirty: Nature

Day Thirty: Nature

 I've mentioned before how much I love flowers, they're my favorite part of nature. I especially love these blue hydrangea. They are outside the church I live near, it was dark so I did have to edit this photo on Photoshop so you could see almost everything clearly. But I have no shame, these are still beautiful.

Day Twenty-Eight: Light

Day Twenty-Eight: Light

I really love this photo. Mainly for the deep blue color of the night sky, the dark and light leafs and the light post. I just find everything about this beautiful. 

Day Seventeen: Water

Day Seventeen: Water

Although this isn't swimming water, I saw how obviously beautiful this busy spot is and pulled over right away. I love the way the light hits the water, I also love the little waves. I drive by this everyday and always admire it's beautiful.

Day Fifteen: Happiness

Day Fifteen: Happiness

I am in love with flowers. The smell and beauty of one will instantly make me smile.

Day Thirteen: In Your Bag

Day Thirteen: In Your Bag

This is inside my school backpack, I have nothing exciting. My lanyard has the quote "nugs not drugs" with pictures of chicken nuggets. I am NOT influencing drugs. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Change of View by Julia Lyons, Jessica Ferguson and Kaity Tessier


Day Fourteen: Something You're Reading

Something You're Reading

I took this last April when my cousin went to Florida, that's her bedspread and I missed her terribly but this book was great entertainment. 

Day Twelve: Close-Up


This is a picture of myself taken by my friend Julia when we were on the roof of the school for the first which I loved. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Day Ten: Childhood

September 10, 2015

My childhood pictures all have my cousin Kaylee in them because I spent every single day with her, she's my best friend, my husband when we played house and my partner in crime. Always. 

Day Nine: Daily Routine

September 9, 2015

My daily routine consists of make up, make up and more make up. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day Eight: Your Sky

September 8, 2015

There is nothing I love more than a 5-6 am sunrise, the calm, the beauty, minus the whole waking up part, you know?

Day Seven: Favorite

September 7, 2015

I don't know what favorite meant so I decided to do my favorite memory and picture I've ever taken. This was almost a year ago at the Demi World Tour, which was incredible. Demetria "Demi" Devonne Lovato has inspired and been a hero, role model to me since I was 12 and she first started on Disney Channel. She means the world to me and to see her in person was amazing, she's a thousand times better than you'd ever expect. Her voice is outstanding and the whole show was put together beautifully. I'd go back to that night in a heartbeat. 

Day Six: Makes You Smile

September 6, 2015

Although this picture was obviously taken a few months ago at prom and though this is a horrible quality picture, this woman makes me smile every single day. She's my mom, supporter and best friend all in one. She means the world and more to me. 

Day Five: Something You Wore

September 5, 2015

This is my favorite outfit. I love my shirt, New York City is where I plan on living when I'm older. I also love my black shorts. But work ruined this outfit when I had to change into my uniform for the rest of the day.

Day Four: Letterbox

September 4, 2015

For my letterbox, I decided to take pictures of the letter's my best friend, Gabby, wrote to me. The top left picture is what I'll one day be getting for a tattoo, it was written at the end of one of her many letters to me. The top right is Gabby and I at the bandstand in Kingston, NH, where we use to hang out all the time. The bottom left is all the letters she ever gave me. The middle right was an envelope with my name and a winky face on it. The bottom right says heart Gabby, which was her signature. I still have these letters and read them often, her friendship means the world to me and I'm so happy I have all of these, even when they seemed like no big deal back then. 

Day Three: Something You Adore

September 3, 2015

Something I've adored since I was 8 years old was my dog, Buddy. We got him when he was just a puppy and he was so small we had to take him home in a box. It was my brother's birthday and we never planned on getting a dog that day, we went out to eat and found ourselves at the pet store begging my dad to let us get this cutie. Buddy is still here and well, he's been in a few horrific car accidents, but he's the strongest and bravest dog you'll ever meet. I love and adore him so much.

Day Two: Breakfast

September 2, 2015

My everyday breakfast is my morning coffee. Sometimes I'll have a donut with my coffee, but today it was just a medium iced caramel swirl extra, extra.

Day One: You

September 1, 2015

This is a selfie of myself, I took in the car on my first day of Senior Year while dropping off my mom so I could head to school. 

Greetings from Charleston: Untouched